

My name is Matt Judkins, and I am a United Methodist pastor. I serve in the Oklahoma Conference of the United Methodist Church, where I attempt to live as a passionate and faithful disciple of Jesus.

Catching Meddlers, my wife tells me, is a weird name for a blog.

It comes from an obscure old saying that I first remember hearing from my Grandma and Grandpa Rose. I would find something interesting laying around their place – a piece of metal or some other kind of junk – and I would ask, “What is this?” Many times they didn’t know what it was or couldn’t explain it to me, so they’d reply, “It’s a layover to catch meddlers.” Being a curious kid, I heard this all the time!

When I was trying to think of a name for my blog, I wanted something that captured a little something about myself while describing something about the blog as well. This obscure phrase captures a little of both. As an adult, I’ve come to realize that many of the sayings I always assumed everyone knew are actually either indigenous to my family or to the place I grew up in rural Southeastern Oklahoma. So the obscurity of the phrase is a picture of my family, my life, and my curiosity. It also describes this blog as something I often have a hard time explaining!

More than anything, this blog is a place where I can think and write, two things that are inseparable in my life. It’s also a place where I can connect with folks I might not otherwise connect with. So, I hope this blog either catches your attention or sparks your curiosity in some way. If it serves to ignite a few thoughts or a good conversation, then it will far exceed my meager expectations.

It should probably be said that all views here represent my own opinion and not necessarily the opinion of The United Methodist Church or any of its affiliates. That is especially true for anything that is not helpful, charitable, or useful. On the other hand, anything useful, charitable, or helpful was surely formulated within the rich connection that is the United Methodist Church!

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Rev. Wilson(Willie) Bishop  |  March 23, 2017 at 6:24 am

    My name is Wilson Bishop & I can definitely identify with your analogy you grew up with. Anytime I would ask my daddy about anything that he might not know, his standard answer was, “Aw, layover to catch a meddler”. I thought that phrase was exclusive to my daddy’s side of the family, which I thought were all about 2 bricks shy of a load. By the way, there must be some kind of connection between the philosophies that lended themselves to those kind of sayings & being in the gospel ministry. I’ve been a Southern Baptist pastor for 40 years now.


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